Source code for matrixprofile.visualize

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

range = getattr(__builtins__, 'xrange', range)
# end of py2 compatability boilerplate

# handle Python 2/3 Iterable import
    from import Iterable
except ImportError:
    from collections import Iterable

import os

import numpy as np

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

from matrixprofile import core

def __combine(a, b):
    Helper function to combine lists or a list and an object.
    output = []
    if isinstance(a, list) and isinstance(b, list):
        output = a + b
    elif isinstance(a, list):
        output = a
    elif isinstance(b, list):
        output = b

    return output

def is_visualizable(obj):
    Helper function to determine if the passed in object can be visualized or
    not based on the data structure.

    obj : Object
        The object to test.

    list : figures
        A list of matplotlib figures.

    return core.is_mp_obj(obj) or core.is_pmp_obj(obj) or core.is_stats_obj(obj)

[docs]def visualize(profile): """ Automatically creates plots for the provided data structure. In some cases many plots are created. For example, when a MatrixProfile is passed with corresponding motifs and discords, the matrix profile, discords and motifs will be plotted. Parameters ---------- profile : dict_like A MatrixProfile, Pan-MatrixProfile or Statistics data structure. Returns ------- list : figures A list of matplotlib figures. """ figures = [] if not is_visualizable(profile): raise ValueError('MatrixProfile, Pan-MatrixProfile or Statistics data structure expected!') # plot MP if core.is_mp_obj(profile): figures = __combine(figures, plot_mp(profile)) if 'cmp' in profile and len(profile['cmp']) > 0: figures = __combine(figures, plot_cmp_mp(profile)) if 'av' in profile and len(profile['av']) > 0: figures = __combine(figures, plot_av_mp(profile)) if 'motifs' in profile and len(profile['motifs']) > 0: figures = __combine(figures, plot_motifs_mp(profile)) if 'discords' in profile and len(profile['discords']) > 0: figures = __combine(figures, plot_discords_mp(profile)) # plot PMP if core.is_pmp_obj(profile): figures = __combine(figures, plot_pmp(profile)) if 'motifs' in profile and len(profile['motifs']) > 0: figures = __combine(figures, plot_motifs_pmp(profile)) if 'discords' in profile and len(profile['discords']) > 0: figures = __combine(figures, plot_discords_pmp(profile)) # plot stats if core.is_stats_obj(profile): figures = __combine(figures, plot_stats(profile)) return figures
def plot_stats(profile): """ Plots the given Statistics data structure provided. Parameters ---------- profile : dict The dict structure from a Statistics algorithm. Returns ------- matplotlib.Figure : figure The matplotlib figure object. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 7)) ts = profile.get('ts') ax[0].plot(ts, label='Time Series', c='black') for k, v in profile.items(): if k.startswith('moving'): ax[1].plot(v, label=k) fig.legend(loc="upper right", bbox_to_anchor=(1.11, 0.97)) fig.tight_layout() return fig def plot_pmp(profile): """ Plots the given Pan-MatrixProfile data structure provided. Parameters ---------- profile : dict The dict structure from a PMP algorithm. Returns ------- matplotlib.Figure : figure The matplotlib figure object. """ pmp = profile.get('pmp', None) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10)) depth = 256 test = np.ceil(pmp * depth) / depth test[test > 1] = 1 ax.imshow(test, interpolation=None, aspect='auto') ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_title('Pan-MatrixProfile') ax.set_xlabel('Profile Index') ax.set_ylabel('Window Size') ax.set_aspect(1, 'box') fig.tight_layout() return fig def plot_mp(profile): """ Plots the matrix profile given the appropriate data structure. Parameters ---------- profile : dict_like The matrix profile to plot. Returns ------- matplotlib.Figure : figure The matplotlib figure object. """ plot_count = 0 data = profile.get('data', None) ts = None query = None if data: ts = data.get('ts', None) query = data.get('query', None) mp = profile.get('mp', None) lmp = profile.get('lmp', None) rmp = profile.get('rmp', None) for val in [ts, query, mp, lmp, rmp]: if core.is_array_like(val): plot_count += 1 if plot_count < 1: raise ValueError("Object passed has nothing to plot!") w = profile.get('w', None) if not isinstance(w, int): raise ValueError("Expecting window size!") current = 0 fig, axes = plt.subplots(plot_count, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 7)) if not isinstance(axes, Iterable): axes = [axes,] # plot the original ts if core.is_array_like(ts): axes[current].plot(np.arange(len(ts)), ts) axes[current].set_ylabel('Data') current += 1 # plot the original query if core.is_array_like(query): axes[current].plot(np.arange(len(query)), query) axes[current].set_ylabel('Query') current += 1 # plot matrix profile if core.is_array_like(mp): mp_adj = np.append(mp, np.zeros(w - 1) + np.nan) axes[current].plot(np.arange(len(mp_adj)), mp_adj) axes[current].set_ylabel('Matrix Profile') axes[current].set_title('Window Size {}'.format(w)) current += 1 # plot left matrix profile if core.is_array_like(lmp): mp_adj = np.append(lmp, np.zeros(w - 1) + np.nan) axes[current].plot(np.arange(len(mp_adj)), mp_adj) axes[current].set_ylabel('Left Matrix Profile') axes[current].set_title('Window Size {}'.format(w)) current += 1 # plot left matrix profile if core.is_array_like(rmp): mp_adj = np.append(rmp, np.zeros(w - 1) + np.nan) axes[current].plot(np.arange(len(mp_adj)), mp_adj) axes[current].set_ylabel('Right Matrix Profile') axes[current].set_title('Window Size {}'.format(w)) current += 1 fig.tight_layout() return fig def plot_cmp_mp(profile): """ Plot corrected matrix profile for a MatrixProfile data structure. Parameters ---------- profile : dict_like The matrix profile object to plot. Returns ------- matplotlib.Figure : figure The matplotlib figure object. """ cmp = profile['cmp'] w = profile['w'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 7)) cmp_adj = np.append(cmp, np.zeros(w - 1) + np.nan) ax.plot(np.arange(len(cmp_adj)), cmp_adj) ax.set_ylabel('Corrected Matrix Profile') ax.set_title('Window Size {}'.format(w)) fig.tight_layout() return fig def plot_av_mp(profile): """ Plot the annotation vector for a MatrixProfile data structure. Parameters ---------- profile : dict_like The matrix profile object to plot. Returns ------- matplotlib.Figure : figure The matplotlib figure object. """ av = profile['av'] w = profile['w'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 7)) av_adj = np.append(av, np.zeros(w - 1) + np.nan) ax.plot(np.arange(len(av_adj)), av_adj) ax.set_ylabel('Annotation Vector') ax.set_title('Window Size {}'.format(w)) fig.tight_layout() return fig def plot_discords_mp(profile): """ Plot discords for a MatrixProfile data structure. Parameters ---------- profile : dict_like The matrix profile object to plot. Returns ------- matplotlib.Figure : figure The matplotlib figure object. """ mp = profile['mp'] w = profile['w'] discords = profile['discords'] data = profile.get('data', None) if data: ts = data.get('ts', None) mp_adjusted = np.append(mp, np.full(w + 1, np.nan)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 7), gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [25, 5, 25]}) pos = axes[1].imshow([mp_adjusted,], aspect='auto', cmap='coolwarm') axes[1].set_yticks([]) axes[0].plot(np.arange(len(ts)), ts) axes[0].set_ylabel('Data') axes[2].plot(np.arange(len(mp_adjusted)), mp_adjusted) axes[2].set_ylabel('Matrix Profile') axes[2].set_title('Window Size {}'.format(w)) for idx in discords: axes[2].plot(idx, mp_adjusted[idx], c='r', marker='*', lw=0, markersize=10) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([1, 0.46, 0.01, 0.1]) fig.colorbar(pos, orientation='vertical', cax=cbar_ax, use_gridspec=True) lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color='red', marker='*', lw=0), Line2D([0], [0], color='blue'), ] fig.legend(lines, ['Discord', 'MP'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.07, 0.44)) fig.tight_layout() return fig def plot_discords_pmp(profile): """ Plot discords for the given Pan-MatrixProfile data structure. Parameters ---------- profile : dict_like The pmp object to plot. Returns ------- matplotlib.Figure : figure The matplotlib figure object. """ discord_figures = [] for discord in profile['discords']: mp_idx = discord[0] idx = discord[1] w = profile['windows'][mp_idx] data = profile.get('data', None) if data: ts = data.get('ts', None) mp_adjusted = profile['pmp'][mp_idx] # mp_adjusted = np.append(mp, np.full(w + 1, np.nan)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 7), gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [25, 5, 25]}) pos = axes[1].imshow([mp_adjusted,], aspect='auto', cmap='coolwarm') axes[1].set_yticks([]) axes[0].plot(np.arange(len(ts)), ts) axes[0].set_ylabel('Data') axes[2].plot(np.arange(len(mp_adjusted)), mp_adjusted) axes[2].set_ylabel('Matrix Profile') # for idx in discords: axes[2].plot(idx, mp_adjusted[idx], c='r', marker='*', lw=0, markersize=10) axes[2].set_title('Window Size = {}'.format(w)) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([1, 0.46, 0.01, 0.1]) fig.colorbar(pos, orientation='vertical', cax=cbar_ax, use_gridspec=True) lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color='red', marker='*', lw=0), Line2D([0], [0], color='blue'), ] fig.legend(lines, ['Discord', 'MP'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.07, 0.44)) fig.tight_layout() discord_figures.append(fig) return discord_figures def plot_motifs_mp(profile): """ Plot motifs given a MatrixProfile data structure. Parameters ---------- profile : dict_like The matrix profile object to plot. Returns ------- list : figures A list of matplotlib figure objects. """ figures = [] w = profile['w'] motifs = profile['motifs'] data = profile.get('data', None) if data: ts = data.get('ts', None) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(motifs), 2, figsize=(15, 7), sharey='row', sharex='col') if len(motifs) == 1: axes = [axes,] pair_num = 1 for ax_row, motif in zip(axes, motifs): first = True for ax, idx in zip(ax_row, motif['motifs']): subquery = ts[idx:idx + w] indices = np.arange(len(subquery)) ax.plot(indices, subquery) ax.set_title('Index Start {}'.format(idx)) if first: ax.set_ylabel('Motif {}'.format(pair_num)) first = False pair_num += 1 fig.tight_layout() figures.append(fig) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(motifs), 1, figsize=(15, 7), sharey='row', sharex='col') if len(motifs) == 1: axes = [axes,] pair_num = 1 for ax, motif in zip(axes, motifs): ax.plot(np.arange(len(ts)), ts) for idx in motif['motifs']: subquery = ts[idx:idx + w] indices = np.arange(idx, idx + w) ax.plot(indices, subquery, c='r') ax.set_ylabel('Motif {}'.format(pair_num)) for idx in motif['neighbors']: subquery = ts[idx:idx + w] indices = np.arange(idx, idx + w) ax.plot(indices, subquery, c='black') pair_num += 1 lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color='blue'), Line2D([0], [0], color='red'), Line2D([0], [0], color='black') ] fig.legend(lines, ['Data', 'Motif', 'Neighbor'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.08, 0.975)) fig.tight_layout() figures.append(fig) return figures def plot_motifs_pmp(profile): """ Plot motifs given a Pan-MatrixProfile data structure. Parameters ---------- profile : dict_like The pan matrix profile object to plot. Returns ------- list : figures A list of matplotlib figure objects. """ motif_figures = [] motifs = profile.get('motifs') data = profile.get('data', None) windows = profile.get('windows', None) if data: ts = data.get('ts', None) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(motifs), 2, figsize=(15, 7), sharey='row', sharex='col') if len(motifs) == 1: axes = [axes,] pair_num = 1 for ax_row, motif in zip(axes, motifs): first = True for ax, motif_loc in zip(ax_row, motif['motifs']): w = windows[motif_loc[0]] idx = motif_loc[1] subquery = ts[idx:idx + w] indices = np.arange(len(subquery)) ax.plot(indices, subquery) ax.set_title('Index Start {}, Window Size {}'.format(idx, w)) if first: ax.set_ylabel('Motif {}'.format(pair_num)) first = False pair_num += 1 fig.tight_layout() motif_figures.append(fig) fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(motifs), 1, figsize=(15, 7), sharey='row', sharex='col') if len(motifs) == 1: axes = [axes,] pair_num = 1 for ax, motif in zip(axes, motifs): ax.plot(np.arange(len(ts)), ts) for motif_loc in motif['motifs']: w = windows[motif_loc[0]] idx = motif_loc[1] subquery = ts[idx:idx + w] indices = np.arange(idx, idx + w) ax.plot(indices, subquery, c='r') ax.set_title('Window Size {}'.format(w)) ax.set_ylabel('Motif {}'.format(pair_num)) for neigh_loc in motif['neighbors']: w = windows[neigh_loc[0]] idx = neigh_loc[1] subquery = ts[idx:idx + w] indices = np.arange(idx, idx + w) ax.plot(indices, subquery, c='black') pair_num += 1 lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color='blue'), Line2D([0], [0], color='red'), Line2D([0], [0], color='black') ] fig.legend(lines, ['Data', 'Motif', 'Neighbor'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.08, 0.975)) fig.tight_layout() motif_figures.append(fig) return motif_figures def plot_snippets(snippets, ts): """ Plot snippets for the given Snippets data structure. Parameters ---------- snippets : list A list of snippets as dictionary objects to plot. ts : array_like The time series. Returns ------- list : figures A list of matplotlib figures. """ figures = [] for i in range(len(snippets)): snippet_id = str(i+1) snippet_start = snippets[i]['index'] snippet_end = snippets[i]['index']+len(snippets[i]['snippet']) snippet_data = snippets[i]['snippet'] # Create a plot for current snippets fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(15,5)) ax.plot(ts) ax.set_title('Snippet-'+snippet_id, size=12) ax.set_ylabel('Data') flag = 1 # Get intervals for the given neighboring snippet indices neighbors = snippets[i]['neighbors'] intervals = [] for i in range(len(neighbors)): if i == 0: intervals.append(neighbors[i]) if i == len(neighbors)-1: intervals.append(neighbors[i]) break if (neighbors[i+1] - neighbors[i]) != 1: intervals.append(neighbors[i]) intervals.append(neighbors[i+1]) step = 2 intervals = [intervals[i:i+step] for i in range(0, len(intervals), step)] # Plot the neighboring snippets for interval in intervals: start = interval[0] end = interval[1] if flag: ax.plot(np.arange(start,end+1),ts[start:end+1], c = "orange" ,label = "Subsequences Represented by Snippet-"+ snippet_id) flag = 0 else: ax.plot(np.arange(start,end+1),ts[start:end+1],"orange") # Plot the snippet ax.plot(np.arange(snippet_start,snippet_end), snippet_data, c = "red" , label = 'Snippet-'+ snippet_id) plt.legend(loc="upper right") fig.tight_layout() figures.append(fig) return figures