# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
range = getattr(__builtins__, 'xrange', range)
# end of py2 compatability boilerplate
import numpy as np
from matrixprofile import core
def pmp_top_k_discords(profile, exclusion_zone=None, k=3):
Computes the top K discords for the given Pan-MatrixProfile. The return
values is a list of row by col indices.
This algorithm is written to work with Euclidean distance. If you submit
a PMP of Pearson metrics, then it is first converted to Euclidean.
profile : dict
Data structure from a PMP algorithm.
exclusion_zone : int, Default window / 2
The zone to exclude around the found discords to reduce trivial
findings. By default we use the row-wise window / 2.
k : int
Maximum number of discords to find.
dict : profile
A 2D array of indices. The first column corresponds to the row index
and the second column corresponds to the column index of the
submitted PMP. It is placed back on the original object passed in as
'discords' key.
if not core.is_pmp_obj(profile):
raise ValueError('Expecting PMP data structure!')
# this function requires euclidean distance
# convert if the metric is pearson
metric = profile.get('metric', None)
pmp = profile.get('pmp', None)
windows = profile.get('windows', None)
tmp = None
if metric == 'pearson':
tmp = core.pearson_to_euclidean(pmp, windows)
tmp = np.copy(pmp).astype('d')
# replace nan and infs with -infinity
# for whatever reason numpy argmax finds infinity as max so
# this is a way to get around it by converting to -infinity
tmp[core.nan_inf_indices(tmp)] = -np.inf
# iterate finding the max value k times or until negative
# infinity is obtained
found = []
for _ in range(k):
max_idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(tmp), tmp.shape)
window = windows[max_idx[0]]
if tmp[max_idx] == -np.inf:
# apply exclusion zone
# the exclusion zone is based on 1/2 of the window size
# used to compute that specific matrix profile
n = tmp[max_idx[0]].shape[0]
if exclusion_zone is None:
exclusion_zone = int(np.floor(window / 2))
ez_start = np.max([0, max_idx[1] - exclusion_zone])
ez_stop = np.min([n, max_idx[1] + exclusion_zone])
tmp[max_idx[0]][ez_start:ez_stop] = -np.inf
profile['discords'] = np.array(found)
return profile
def mp_top_k_discords(profile, exclusion_zone=None, k=3):
Find the top K number of discords (anomalies) given a matrix profile,
exclusion zone and the desired number of discords. The exclusion zone
nullifies entries on the left and right side of the first and subsequent
discords to remove non-trivial matches. More specifically, a discord found
at location X will more than likely have additional discords to the left or
right of it.
profile : dict
The MatrixProfile data structure.
exclusion_zone : int, Default mp algorithm ez
Desired number of values to exclude on both sides of the anomaly.
k : int
Desired number of discords to find.
dict : profile
The original input profile with an additional "discords" key containing
the a np.ndarray of discord indices.
if not core.is_mp_obj(profile):
raise ValueError('Expecting MP data structure!')
found = []
tmp = np.copy(profile.get('mp', None)).astype('d')
n = len(tmp)
# TODO: this is based on STOMP standards when this motif finding algorithm
# originally came out. Should we default this to 4.0 instead? That seems
# to be the common value now per new research.
window_size = profile.get('w', None)
if exclusion_zone is None:
exclusion_zone = profile.get('ez', None)
# obtain indices in ascending order
indices = np.argsort(tmp)
# created flipped view for discords
indices = indices[::-1]
for idx in indices:
if not np.isinf(tmp[idx]):
# apply exclusion zone
if exclusion_zone > 0:
exclusion_zone_start = np.max([0, idx - exclusion_zone])
exclusion_zone_end = np.min([n, idx + exclusion_zone])
tmp[exclusion_zone_start:exclusion_zone_end] = np.inf
if len(found) >= k:
profile['discords'] = np.array(found, dtype='int')
return profile
def top_k_discords(profile, exclusion_zone=None, k=3):
Find the top K number of discords (anomalies) given a mp or pmp,
exclusion zone and the desired number of discords. The exclusion zone
nullifies entries on the left and right side of the first and subsequent
discords to remove non-trivial matches. More specifically, a discord found
at location X will more than likely have additional discords to the left or
right of it.
profile : dict
A MatrixProfile or Pan-MatrixProfile structure.
exclusion_zone : int, Default mp algorithm ez
Desired number of values to exclude on both sides of the anomaly.
k : int
Desired number of discords to find.
dict : profile
The original profile object with an additional 'discords' key. Take
note that a MatrixProfile discord contains a single value while the
Pan-MatrixProfile contains a row and column index.
if not core.is_mp_or_pmp_obj(profile):
raise ValueError('Expecting MP or PMP data structure!')
cls = profile.get('class', None)
func = None
if cls == 'MatrixProfile':
func = mp_top_k_discords
elif cls == 'PMP':
func = pmp_top_k_discords
raise ValueError('Unsupported data structure!')
return func(