#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
range = getattr(__builtins__, 'xrange', range)
# end of py2 compatability boilerplate
import numpy as np
from matrixprofile import core
from matrixprofile.algorithms.mpdist import mpdist_vector
[docs]def snippets(ts, snippet_size, num_snippets=2, window_size=None):
The snippets algorithm is used to summarize your time series by
identifying N number of representative subsequences. If you want to
identify typical patterns in your time series, then this is the algorithm
to use.
ts : array_like
The time series.
snippet_size : int
The size of snippet desired.
num_snippets : int, Default 2
The number of snippets you would like to find.
window_size : int, Default (snippet_size / 2)
The window size.
list : snippets
A list of snippets as dictionary objects with the following structure.
>>> {
>>> index: the index of the snippet,
>>> snippet: the snippet values,
>>> neighbors: the starting indices of all subsequences similar to the current snippet
>>> fraction: fraction of the snippet
>>> }
ts = core.to_np_array(ts).astype('d')
time_series_len = len(ts)
n = len(ts)
if not isinstance(snippet_size, int) or snippet_size < 4:
raise ValueError('snippet_size must be an integer >= 4')
if n < (2 * snippet_size):
raise ValueError('Time series is too short relative to snippet length')
if not window_size:
window_size = int(np.floor(snippet_size / 2))
if window_size >= snippet_size:
raise ValueError('window_size must be smaller than snippet_size')
# pad end of time series with zeros
num_zeros = int(snippet_size * np.ceil(n / snippet_size) - n)
ts = np.append(ts, np.zeros(num_zeros))
# compute all profiles
indices = np.arange(0, len(ts) - snippet_size, snippet_size)
distances = []
for j, i in enumerate(indices):
distance = mpdist_vector(ts, ts[i:(i + snippet_size - 1)], int(window_size))
distances = np.array(distances)
# find N snippets
snippets = []
minis = np.inf
total_min = None
for n in range(num_snippets):
minims = np.inf
for i in range(len(indices)):
s = np.sum(np.minimum(distances[i, :], minis))
if minims > s:
minims = s
index = i
minis = np.minimum(distances[index, :], minis)
actual_index = indices[index]
snippet = ts[actual_index:actual_index + snippet_size]
snippet_distance = distances[index]
'index': actual_index,
'snippet': snippet,
'distance': snippet_distance
if isinstance(total_min, type(None)):
total_min = snippet_distance
total_min = np.minimum(total_min, snippet_distance)
# compute the fraction of each snippet
for snippet in snippets:
mask = (snippet['distance'] <= total_min)
# create a key "neighbors" for the snippet dict,
# and store all the time series indices for the data represented by a snippet (arr[mask])
arr = np.arange(len(mask))
# max_index indicates the length of a profile, which is (n-m) in the Snippets paper)
max_index = time_series_len - snippet_size
# since 'ts' is padded with 0 before calculate the MPdist profile
# all parts of the profile that are out of range [0, n-m] cannot be used as neighboring snippet indices
snippet['neighbors'] = list(filter(lambda x : x <= max_index, arr[mask]))
# Add the last m time series indices into the neighboring snippet indices
if max_index in snippet['neighbors']:
last_m_indices = list(range(max_index+1, time_series_len))
snippet['fraction'] = mask.sum() / (len(ts) - snippet_size)
total_min = total_min - mask
del snippet['distance']
return snippets